performing arts from around the world!
This year, Toolbox Drama is excited to be welcoming culturally diverse workshops led by performing arts companies and arts specialists. We can’t wait to introduce you to some fantastic activities, taking place in our regular Social Programme classes at the end of each term.
These artists will ‘Takeover’ our usual sessions so there’s no need to book your place. If there is a workshop you’d like to attend but is scheduled for a class that you do not usually go to, please speak with us – it may be that we can offer you a space for the week.
Please see below for more information about this terms Takeover workshops!
Toolbox Takeover, March / April 2025
- Date: Monday 31st March
- Class: Sensory Dance
- Visiting Artist: Chiragi's Biba
- Workshop Title: Bollywood Dancing
- Description: A practical workshop exploring lively Indian dancing, originating from the Indian Film Industry
- Date: Wednesday 2nd April
- Class: Explorers, Selby
- Visiting Organisation: Time Steppers
- Workshop Title: Ancient Egypt
- Description: Explore the traditional storytelling and dancing of the Ancient Egyptians
- Date: Friday 4th April
- Class: Drummers
- Visiting Organisation: Tengu Teiko
- Workshop Title: Japanese Taiko Drumming
- Description: A lively percussion workshop, exploring the rhythms and beats of the Taiko drum
Please refer to our monthly newsletter for a full list of workshops scheduled for this year. You will also find the full programme in the downloads section on The Members Hub.
This programme has been kindly supported by Arts Council England.